The First Day (part 3)

This is a duo story written, in parts, with my friend, and talented writer Frank Goacher. The authour of each part is stated in the headline.

The First Day; Part 3
By Mark A. West

My present form is human, but my real physical self is not explainable, if you saw me you would probably think we are god.

I have created many things. Because we was the first life to exist we was so bored and alone with myself with ‘no-experience’ that we started the initial good and evil concept and formed the powerful pure Good and pure Evil beings; the Resh’tar and the Telryx.

That is something I have always kept to myself. I have kept it from the Resh’tar, the Telryx and even from the four intelligent alien civilisations who asked me to help.

The four civilisations are all peaceful and despite their collective power, they are cowards. They call themselves the ‘galactic alliance’ because they all have the unified view that they want the Re’shtar and the Telryx, ‘great ones’, as they call them, to end the conflict. But they will not until one of them is destroyed. I know them too well.

The four civilisations consist of the humanoids, the insects, the plants, and the last is basically made up out of energy beings, gas beings, blobs, etc. This is just background knowledge; the cowards will have little bearing on this epic tale.

There is one puzzle that draws me to Earth. Although we created most things, we did not create humans… they happened ‘naturally’. Humans are a total mystery, even to me.

Also I can ‘see’ both good and evil, to an extent. I can ‘see’ their intentions and their minds. But humans, every single one of them, are not good or evil. I can see nothing of them. They are such an enigma, but they seem to have a lot in common with us.

I got up from the grass, held my hand out for Christina and we ran from the park and back to her place. There was no urgency. There was nothing to fear. I just wanted to show her what was going to happen next.

I turned on the TV, switched to the news and there it was. Sightings of the same craft we saw in the park were reported all around the world. Mostly, the disks were to the north and Triangles were to the south. The ‘great ones’ were swarming to this unique planet and I had no Idea why.

*At this point I would like to introduce a man who became a close and important friend of mine, Former General Nathan Dimach. He has always kept a remarkably detailed private diary, the edited parts of the diary I have been able to use for this story. The following excerpt happened at the morning of the events I have just told you.

The First Day (part 2)

This is a duo story written, in parts, with my friend, and talented writer Frank Goacher. The authour of each part is stated in the headline.

The First Day; Part 2
By Frank Goacher

Before I continue, I should tell you about myself. There are many things that are normal for me, and so I will discuss these as normal things. However, they may confuse others. There are many races in the Universe, but I am the only collective race. Because of this, those that know of me simply call me “The Collective”. Having a sense of humour, whenever I have visited a different planet, I try to keep the initials “T C”. Here I am Terrence Clayborn, ‘Terry’ for short. Humans love to shorten names.

Of course, I cannot explain too much. Individuals can never hope to understand a collective mind, let alone mine just as I cannot understand what it means to have only your own single memories and thoughts. Perhaps that is why I fall in love with special humans such as Christina so easily.

She usually eats a mint last thing at night in order to keep her breath fresh for the next morning.

This body is a kind of a psychic construct I formed so I can watch humanity’s development, as well as experience what it is to be human. As this body has no need for food or hygiene, I never need to eat a mint or make my breath fresh. So I don’t really know what it tastes like, except for the faint traces I find when I kiss her. I never know what she thinks, or what she likes, save for the snippets of information she decides to tell me. After thousands of years, I/we still find humans fascinating.

I have been on Earth for all this time because I was asked to watch over this new species by a galactic alliance, to determine if they will eventually be able to join that alliance, or if they will be a threat. It is something I have done many times before, but never have I been so puzzled.

Humans are the only species I have come across that kill their own kind for reasons other than food. Yet at the same time, they tend their wounded, and put themselves at risk to save others. Are they barbarians or saints? I cannot decide. They are too individualistic.

Humans could be the worst evil scourge of the galaxy, or they could be its greatest saviour. Only they should decide that. But should this war between the Resh’tar and the Telryx end in anything other than stalemate, they will not have the chance to evolve that choice naturally